
7 awards for the Master A&S in the international competition ADA 2019 organized by the Asia Architecture and Urbanism Alliance

The students of the 2018-19 edition of the Master Degree in Architecture and Sustainability (UPC School) participated in the 17th Asian Design Award Competition, organized by the Asia Architecture and Urbanism Alliance, a contest to which we were invited to participate again, together with other universities around the world.

Within the twelve categories proposed in this edition, the master’s teams participated in the ‘Ecological, Healthy and Sustainable’ category, adapting the core projects developed during the course to the competition’s bases, to present them in July 2019.

The result of the contest, announced in November, was highly satisfactory for our Master, since the five participating teams of students were awarded:

– 17th ADA (2019) Silver Award in the Ecological, Healthy and Sustainable Category: Bamboo Modular Housing (Verónica Castillo, Josep Mutgé, Luciana Pereyra, Rhina Rausseo, Matías Villamil).

– 17th ADA (2019) Bronze Award in the Ecological, Healthy and Sustainable Category: Green Hotel (Melissa Arboccó, Gianfranco de la Cruz, Aneli Dias, Sofia Mehdi, Giovanna Simâo).

– 17th ADA (2019) Bronze Award in the Ecological, Healthy and Sustainable Category: The Root Sustainable Building (Jessica Castellanos, Victoria Dandois, Fabrizio Pásara, Andrea Ramírez, Daniela Sánchez).

– 17th ADA (2019) Excellence Award in the Ecological, Healthy and Sustainable Category: Green Housing Connecting Nature – Lubian Tower (Tomás Astesiano, Lucía Igoa, Ignacio Soler, Joaquín Truchet, Isabella Velázquez).

– 17th ADA (2019) Excellence Award in the Ecological, Healthy and Sustainable Category: YY Green Tech Tower (Pamela Díaz, Félix Ferrada, Gabriela Guerrero, David Juárez, Fiorella Pita).

In addition to these 5 awards for the students, there was also a mention for the the excellent project orientation for the professors of the Master Ezequiel Uson and Alejandro Labeur, and a mention for the excellent organization for the Barcelona School of Building Construction (UPC) .

The award ceremony took place during the Conference Toward a New Design Horizon – From Problem Solving to Future Discovering, that took place in the city of Anshan (China) from the 13th to the 15th of December 2019.

Vicenç Mutgé, representing the team of professors, had the opportunity to attend the conference and collect the prizes.