Visit to the Monastery of Poblet

The group from the Master’s Degree in Architecture and Sustainability visited the Monastery of Santa Maria de Poblet, in Tarragona, on Friday 23rd November, accompanied by Fra Lluc Torcal, the prior of the monastery.

The monks of the Monastery of Poblet are very aware of the world energy crisis and have taken several measures to save energy and improve the efficiency of its use. They have installed photovoltaic solar panels and have a vegetable garden where they grow part of the food that they consume every day. They also engage in bio-composting, use ecological showers with negative ions to eliminate dirt instead of using soap, and make water savings of up to 65%, etc. Furthermore, they are currently in the process of measuring the wind in order to study the possibility of taking advantage of wind energy to produce electricity. All of these actions have been carried out in a totally integrated way within a group of monuments that is of great historical and architectural interest. The monastery has a guesthouse and also a restaurant, where we finished the visit with a meal based on exquisite ecological food.