
A&SB visits lthe universities of Guangzhou and Shenzen (China)

In December 2018 three members of the A&SB group, the professors of the Master degree in Architecture and Sustainability, Ezequiel Uson and Temi Vives, and the architect and ex-alumni of this master degree, Vicenç Mutgé, were invited to visit the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou.

They were received by the professor and doctor Xiao Yiquiang, Deputy Dean of the School of Architecture, and they gave a lecture attended by the staff of professors and students of this School, in which the academic content of the master degree was presented.

In those days they were also invited to visit the School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SAUP) of the University of Shenzen, where they were received by Professor Yuan Lei, director of the SAUP, and during a meeting with the staff of professors of the School of Architecture there was also the opportunity to present the master degree.

The aim of these presentations is to propose the establishment of institutional academic collaborations, in order to be able to internationalize the master and other academic programs.