
Energetic rehabilitation of I.E.S. La Mitjana, Lleida


The project was born due to the agreement signed by A&SB and Lleida´s administration, the main objective is evaluating the energetic performance, of an IES recently constructed, and the proposal of further solutions in an attempt to reduce the energy consumption in order to obtain similar levels with the passivhaus accreditation standards.

The education center ´´I.E.S. La Mitjana´´is located between Vincent Ximenis street and Xavier Puig Andreu rambla in Pardinyes neighborhood on Lleida, which has a “U” form in the plan, so this form makes that the Project itself is able to close the solar perimeter on north, east and west sites.

The education center, which was built in 2014, counts with a total 5,890 m2 of built surface and the capacity for 690 students. The building has a specific area for children and another one for elementary and middle school. The school has an “A” energetic classification.

After the loads and needs analysis and the consumption evaluation; the project shows some strategies for improvements that could be done at the build stage without the necessity of changing the original design conditions.

The Project includes improvements on passive and active systems and the integration of control and regulation systems.

As a result of the analysis of different software programs, it has been considerated that it could be posible to reduce the energy consumption to the passivhaus standard values, this is supposed a 70% of actual consumption.

This has not only have the effect of reducing CO2 emissions but the reduction of maintenance cost .

Team: Marcel Arango Jaramillo, David Coloma Vera, Juan Jose Guitiérrez García, Nestor Lara Castillo, Vasiliki Vallindra